Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Loot at me, I'm a Star!

This first post is dedicated to my one and only 2 year old daughter Kassandra. This picture was taken while we were watching a mardi gras for the feast of our patron saint “Birhen Sa Regla” (Virgin of the Rule) – we honor her feast every 19th and 20th of November. This was her first time seeing a mardi gras and I can feel that she loves it. I want to post this because I really want her to know that I love her so much. I may not be a perfect Father but I’m willing to risk everything just to make her happy. 


mia said...

and when she sees this someday .. im sure she will be proud to be your daughter too..=)

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comment Mia..its nice to have a scrapbook but i'm too lazy to do it.. haha